Different Types Of Large Gantry Cranes That Are Available Today

When you go to purchase a gantry crane, you may not realize that there are several different kinds available. They are noxious made in different sizes, but in different designs, each of which is constructed for a specific purpose. Some of them are used indoors and will only have a very limited lifting capacity. Others will be designed to lift extreme amounts of weight. Some are mobile, whereas others will be stationary, and yet others are a combination of the two. Let’s go over the different types of gantry cranes that are currently available on the market today.

Double Girder Gantry Cranes

One of the most common types of gantry cranes used by major businesses is called a double girder gantry crane. If you are working at a shipyard, material yard, or something similar you have likely seen one there. These are often towering stationary units designed to lift very heavy items.

Cantilever Gantry Crane

Another type is a cantilever gantry crane that is also widely used. You may also find it at the shipping dock, a large material yard, or a shipyard. These are equipped with two separate cantilevers, and these can increase how much it is able to lift. They often have a lifting capacity of around 200 tons or less.

Rail Mounted Gantry Crane

These are also known as RMG cranes. These are almost exclusively used for lifting and moving containers. You will see them at railway centers, and at shipyards, lifting containers from one place to the other. They are extremely large, made of a solid steel frame, and a unique hoisting mechanism that allows them to shift the merchandise from one side to the other.

Truss Gantry Cranes

Designed to withstand significant amounts of wind, these gantry trains are extremely easy to see. They utilize a unique multi girder triangular design, and are literally wind resistant. These can be much more expensive because of the way they are constructed, and are capable of lifting small to medium loads.

Rubber Tired Gantry Crane

These gantry cranes are similar to RMG cranes. The main differences that they can move without any type of rail system. They are built atop huge tires that can easily roll, and you can control this with a simple mechanism. Designed for heavy lifting, they are also extremely fast, and are designed for high efficiency. These are typically constructed with two girders overhead that can support a phenomenal amount of weight, plus they have the added bonus that they can be moved around.

Other Gantry Cranes You May Want To Consider

If you other gantry cranes that are available include portable gantry cranes which are the smallest of all of them. Gantry cranes are also broken down by how much they can lift. Finally, you may simply need a single girder gantry crane, preferably one that is quite large and designed to be outside. These are just a few of the others that are currently available which may satisfy your needs and objectives.

Getting the right gantry crane for your business will take some research on your part. You need to consider what industry you are in, the maximum weight that you typically are lifting, and whether or not it should be portable. Considering all of these factors, it will be very easy to obtain the best gantry crane (obtener la mejor grua portico) amidst all of the different types.