Unveiling the Best Features and Functions of Self-Loading Concrete Mixers

Self-loading concrete mixers have become the need of the hour these days. They come at an affordable price, their build-quality is superior to the other concrete mixers, and they offer a variety of features that traditional concrete mixers don’t. Most construction companies want to buy a self-loading concrete mixer (купить бетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой) that doesn’t cost a fortune. Thanks to the high demand of these mixers, the manufacturers are including several advanced features that are available at a budget-friendly price.

China self Loading Concrete Mixers for sale
China self Loading Concrete Mixers

Best features and functions of self-loading concrete mixers

Before you start looking for self-loading concrete mixers, there are a few things you need to know about them. First, don’t always look at the price tag. Many of the lower-budget models offer high-end features. Second, you specifically need to check the weight, discharging abilities, loading, and mixing capabilities of the mixer. The size and build-quality are not the only two factors that determine the quality of a self-loading concrete mixer.

Ideally, the productivity of self-loading concrete mixers should vary between 10 and 15 m3/h. The standard variant has a productivity of 12 m3/h. In addition to productivity, the mixer should also have a 4-wheel drive. This makes sure that the mixer works at extreme weather conditions. The stability and efficiency will not go down, no matter what the condition is. There are a few additional features you need to know here or visit this supplier’s website: https://www.aimix.kz/betonosmesitel-s-samozagruzkoy-tsena/

China's self loading concrete mixer
Self loading concrete mixer

Weighing systems

These mixers come with accurate weighing systems. This allows the user to add the ingredients as per the correct ratio. Traditional concrete mixers didn’t have this facility. That’s why most construction engineers had to guess the quantity of ingredients they put in. The modern mixers now show the average weight while mixing the ingredients. This ensures that the quality of the final paste is top-notch.

Shock absorption

Any concrete mixer moves a lot when the unit is processing the ingredients inside. But, self-loading concrete mixers come with hydraulic power disc brakes. It helps the mixer to absorb the jerking while mixing everything.

Loading capacity

The ideal loading shovel capacity of an average self-loading concrete mixer is approximately 500 to 600 liters. You can also choose bigger models with higher capacities. But they cost more. So, if you don’t need such bigger models, try comparing the ones that vary between 500 and 600 liters.

Mobile self-Loading Concrete Mixers cost
Features and Functions of Self-Loading Concrete Mixers

Water tank capacity

The self-loading concrete mixers have two parts: one where it mixes concrete and second, where it stores water. The water flows into the concrete mixer slowly depending on the requirement. Most of the self-loading concrete mixers have water tank capacities of more than 900 liters. Some of the higher-end variants have better capacities. Again, check whether you need a bigger mixer or not.

Operating system

Self-loading concrete mixers have a 4-way hydraulic stick. This helps the loader to control the mixer easily.

Purchasing a self-loading concrete mixer takes time. You need to remember the features, set a budget, and compare the various models depending on their functions. Most manufacturers (such us china aimix) offer extended warranties. So, these machines should work efficiently for years.