Buy A Self Loading Concrete Mixer

The construction industry has changed a lot over the past few decades. The pace of work has gone up and so has the efficiency. These days, project owners want construction companies to finish work much earlier as compared to the 20th century. One of the reasons has been the introduction of a variety of machinery that allows contractors to add a lot of automation resulting in higher efficiency.

Buy A Self Loading Concrete Mixer
Buy A Self Loading Concrete Mixer In China

One of the pieces of machinery that have completely changed the construction industry is the self-loading concrete mixer (бетоносмеситель самоходный). While these mixers have been available for several decades, the prices were quite high and only big construction companies could afford to add this machine to their arsenal but thanks to the availability of affordable mixers, these days almost anyone can afford to buy one.

Having said that, there are several companies that offer these machines in various configurations and you couldn’t trust everyone to deliver the kind of quality you want. In short, there are quite a few differences in the quality of various machines and here is what you need to know about these differences in order to buy the right machine.

Quality Is More Important That Initial Price

There are thousands of manufacturers of these machines out there. If you look hard, you will be able to discover a lot of suppliers (like Aimix Group China), both local and foreign. You will also find a lot of price variance and some buyers fall for the cheap price but experienced buyers will tell you to always focus on quality. You might be able to find a cheaper deal but rest assured, that low price is often accompanied by poor quality materials and components that are unlikely to last long.

Also, poor quality machines typically translate into frequent downtimes and a lot of wasted time. In short, cheaper usually turns out to be expensive in the long run when it comes to construction machinery. If you are not able to afford a new machine, consider buying a used one and once you have gained enough experience and saved enough money, you can always buy a piece of completely new machinery.

Self Loading Concrete Mixer Truck Price
China Self Loading Concrete Mixer Truck Price

Focus on Important Parameters

When you’re comparing various models, it is important to focus on more important parameters. Some of these parameters may include the processing capacity of the machine, the quality of hydraulics, ease of maintenance, ease of cleaning, ease of operation, level of automation and other such things. A self-loading concrete mixer (бетономешалка самоходная) needs to be washed after every use in order to keep the machine operating at optimum efficiency.

Some designs are not that easy to clean and if it is not cleaned properly after every single use, you will have to replace some components much earlier than expected. This is why machine design is of extreme importance. In addition, you should also pay attention to fuel efficiency and make sure the machine offers decent fuel efficiency.

Final Thoughts

As far as buying a self loading mixer is concerned, it is important that you focus more on quality than the initial price. Also, consider the ease of cleaning, ease of operation and other such parameters to get the best value for your money. Make sure to choose a brand that is known to have a good reputation for the quality of products and after sales service. Learn more: