Should You Choose a Line Concrete Pump or Boom?

The innovative technology of having a hydraulic boom for accurately and efficiently placing concrete seems to be the sort of innovation that would render Line Concrete Pumps obsolete, but not quite. Here are a few things you should consider before deciding on what pump you want to buy. If you’re planning on getting into the business of being a concrete pumper you’re going to need to make sure that you can pay off your capital costs in a reasonable amount of time. Here is a good website that may help you make a good decision:

You need to consider the costs of your capital equipment. This means essentially the cost of your truck mounted line pump. If you don’t have the cash on hand to simply buy a truck that ranges from tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, then you’re going to have to look into financing. If you’re able to get a bank to loan you the money, make sure that you have a solid business plan ready. Make sure that you take advantage of any government assistance that helps small businesses acquire capital equipment because this will surely take a load off of you and help you get into profitability range as soon as possible.

Line Concrete Pump

Consider who your customers are going to be and consider whom your competition is going to be. When making the decision to have a concrete line pumps for sale or investing in a more expensive Boom, you’re really going to have to consider the sort of jobs that potential customers are going to want you to fulfill. Essentially what is your market? If you’re going to be doing small jobs, like backyard pools and the like then a Line Concrete Pump will be a much better investment that can get you started with a good client base, without having to fork out as much cash for capital investment. This page will give you more useful reference, have a look:

Once you’re primed and profitable you can consider buying more equipment later. Make sure that you have a team of qualified individuals ready to do the hard work. The concrete pumping business is a physically intensive one and a time intensive one. You’re going to consider the fact that your workers are going to be dragging out concrete hoses, breaking them back down and cleaning them up. This takes a lot of effort and shouldn’t be taken likely. Make sure you have a good balance of experience and youth among your workers.

At the end of the day, you’re really going to have to look at your market and how fast you expect your business to ramp up. Small portable concrete pump are perfectly acceptable for smaller jobs, but they will require more time and time is money. If you get a boom truck you’re going to be able to complete more jobs per day, which sounds great. The only thing is if you’re going to have to break the bank to buy this equipment and then it doesn’t pay off with 2-4+ jobs per day that are large enough to justify the use of a boom, then you’re going to be paying back the cost of the equipment for a long time. Another choice is to take a concrete mixer pump into consideration.