Pyrolysis Is Creating New Industry Opportunities

The word waste pyrolysis is formed from a combination of pyro which means heat and lysis which means break down. Pyrolysis is a chemical reaction during which heat is applied to cause larger molecules to break down into smaller molecules. The process is also called thermolysis, cracking, thermal cracking, and depolymerization. Molecules are continually vibrating and as they heat up, they begin to vibrate faster. Molecules are subjected to extremely high temperatures during plastics to diesel process. During this process, every molecule is shaken and stretched as they are broken down into smaller molecules. One of the most recognizable forms of pyrolysis is cooking food. Please visit this link:


Tire and Plastic Pyrolysis

One of the most common uses for pyrolysis is to break down plastic or tire rubber into various types of oils by tyre pyrolysis plant for sale. Very high heat, reaching temperatures of up to 450 degrees are applied to tires and plastic, but must be done without any oxygen. If oxygen is present, the plastic will burn. During the pyrolysis process, tire rubber and plastic begins to break down into smaller molecules and pyrolysis oil is created. Tyre pyrolysis machine is used to recycle tires. There are many benefits of recycling tire and plastic waste. These include:

– Providing a renewable energy source.

– Creating fuel from tyres and plastics.

– This fuel has industrial applications for use in furnaces and boilers, as well as to help generate electricity.

– The process converts waste products into energy

– Helps reduce or completely eliminate the need to dispose of plastic or tire waste in landfills.

Pyrolysis And Bio-Mass

Another great opportunity for pyrolysis is when it is used to burn an organic material such as biomass to create useful products. Again, this burning must be done at extremely high temperatures and without any oxygen. Since there is no oxygen present, the organic material does not combust, but the chemical compounds, such as hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin are forced to break down into charcoal and other combustible gases. These gases are then compressed into bio-oil or pyrolysis oil which is combustible and may be used as fuel. If you want to get more information about pyrolysis process, please click


A common biomass used in pyrolysis is soybeans. When the pyrolysis process is applied to soybeans, there are three products produced. These are a solid known as bio-char, a liquid known as bio-oil, and one gas, known as syngas. Depending upon the composition of the material and the parameters of the process, the proportion of these products resulting from a burn may vary. Typically, bio-oil is the primary product produced during fast pyrolysis. This process requires a heating rate of near 1000 degrees Celsius and a temperature of at least 500 degrees Celsius.

New Industrial Opportunities

Pyrolysis of organic materials, plastics and tire waste is also creating new business opportunities. Pyrolysis plants are being constructed or created to recycle the plastics and tire waste into pyrolysis gas, pyrolysis oil, and carbon black. Using pyrolysis for both recycling and for creating fuel from organic matter is creating business opportunities in both the agricultural and renewable energy fields. As the industry matures, there will almost certainly be more business opportunities created.